Technology Guidance for Bank and Credit Union Professionals

A collection of advice by InetSolution about programming, security, design and marketing for bank and credit union professionals.

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.NET Obfuscation - A Waste of Time?

Posted by Misti Kenison

Obfuscation, aside from being a tongue-twister to pronounce, is an important topic within the realm of .NET development. While some folks around the inter-webs might have you believing that obfuscation is a useless, needless or worse - a complete joke and waste of your time - they couldn't be any further from the truth.

How to Setup Subversion + Apache + WebSVN on Windows

Posted by Jason Sherrill

Last Updated: May 15, 2011

We develop websites and online applications for banks, credit unions, eCommerce sites and corporate credit unions using the MemberProtect security framework for ASP.NET. It's imperative that we have a reliable source code control system that allows a team of developers, often working from different physical locations, to work together on a single project. Subversion is an easy to learn and use version control system that suits our needs almost perfectly. Subversion runs equally well on Windows and Unix, and it also works over HTTP & HTTPS, which is great if your development team works offsite. But setting up HTTPS access and web-based repository viewing via WebSVN can be tricky on Windows, so I’ve documented the steps I use to setup Subversion 1.4 + Apache 2.2 + WebSVN 2.0 on Windows.

Using Classic ASP and AJAX to Check Availability of a Username on User Registration Form

Posted by Jason Sherrill

In this example, I’m showcasing how we can use ASP and AJAX to check for whether a username exists before a user completes a website registration form. When registering to join a community website, such as, users must typically choose a username or handle. Normally such usernames must be unique to the community, and because of this new users often run into the problem of choosing a name that is already in use.

How to Setup 301 Redirect in classic ASP, ASP.Net and IIS 6.0

Posted by Jason Sherrill

Numerous bank and credit union website managers have asked me why their website traffic and sales dropped after launching new, improved websites. Numerous factors have contributed to the declines, but there is one frequent cause that the designers didn't plan for when building the new sites - page renaming without setting up proper redirects. If you’re planning to redesign your credit union or bank's website, you need to understand what this means, why it happens and how you can avoid the problem.

How to Rewrite URLs in ASP on IIS Using ISAPI_Rewrite

Posted by Jason Sherrill

Most search optimization experts know the benefits of including keywords in URLs. But many credit union and bank websites store content in a database and use query string values to pass a record identifier to a single page that displays the content dynamically. The URLs look like http://…/news-display.asp?articleid=7584. Unfortunately, this method does not allow you to show search engines your keywords in the page file name like you could with a static HTML page. There is a solution however, and it’s called URL rewriting.   

Recreating Low Resolution Logo Scans as Print Ready Vector Graphics

Posted by Donovan Myers

From time to time we come across a client who does not have any digital files for their branding. The original designer or printer (sometimes one in the same) never delivered the source files or they were lost after being created several years ago. Many times all we have to work with is a scan from a business card or brochure.

How to sort an array in classic ASP

Posted by Donovan Myers

When working with database recordsets in an Active Server Pages environment, I often need to store my data in an array. The difficulty with arrays is that there are no native functions in VB Script to easily sort an array. We've created a quick function that will easily sort arrays.

Five Tips To Protect Banking Customer Data

Posted by Jason Sherrill

According to FBI Stats, nearly 70% of Data Theft Crimes Are Committed by People with Legitimate Access to Data from Inside

Designing Websites for the Blind and other Disabled Users

Posted by Donovan Myers

It is important to design a web site that is not only usable, but also accessible. Keeping users with disabilities in mind when designing your web site can greatly increase the success of your site. Just like ramps on sidewalks and buildings help people with disabilities, you can add ramps of your own to your web site. I'll share some tips on how to make your website ADA accessible using current technologies as of 2001.

InetSolution Releases New Version of MemberProtect for Credit Union and Bank Website Security

Posted by Jason Sherrill

Pressure has been mounting on banks and credit unions to provide more solid protection of members' personal information stored on-line, but until now, only partial solutions existed. As many credit unions and on-line retailers have learned, firewalls and SSL do not provide essential protection of databases. Because of this, many credit unions delay launching e-branch strategies, while others move ahead and risk losing valuable member trust by exposing personal account information to hackers. Fortunately, credit unions and on-line retailers now have a solution available to them that will close the gaping hole that traditional data security methods leave open.

InetSolution Develops New Website for National Runaway Switchboard

Posted by Erin Sherrill

As the number of runaway, homeless and troubled youth rises, the importance for a confidential source of assistance heightens. The Internet offers an additional means through which runaway youth, teens in crisis, and concerned friends and family members can receive support. To extend its reach, the National Runaway Switchboard selected InetSolution, Inc. to complete its federally funded Web Redesign and Expansion Project. The National Runaway Switchboard (NRS) has served as the federally-designated National Communication System for runaway and homeless youth since 1974. They operate a confidential hotline for runaway youth, teens in crisis and concerned friends and family members.

Make Your Bank Website More Usable for Elderly and Handicapped Users

Posted by Donovan Myers

I recently read an article that described a number of issues that prevent disabled and elderly people from enjoying the Internet. I read this with interest because our InetActive™ suite of development tools can help to make your web site easier for disabled and elderly people to use. Let me share a few ideas that you can implement on your own site.

InetSolution and Central Corporate Credit Union Help Credit Unions Offer Online Services

Posted by Jason Sherrill

As financial institutions move more of their services online, small regional credit unions are faced with the fact that they must also migrate to the Internet just to compete with their larger counterparts. Now Central Corporate Credit Union, a correspondent service provider to credit unions, is offering its member institutions an edge in online banking thanks to CenCorp's EDGE On-line. Developed by InetSolution, Inc. for CenCorp, EDGE On-line is an Internet-based cash management system for credit unions that allows them real-time access to current account information and lets them perform routine transactions online.

Do you know the names of your site visitors?

Posted by Jason Sherrill

It certainly is no secret that most bank and credit union marketers regularly review site statistics to measure how effective their web sites are. A strong statistics system will record how many unique visitors are on your site, which pages are viewed, how long a visitor stays on your site and even from which link a user found your site. There is no doubt that this information is valuable; however, it isn't enough to truly capitalize on the power of your web site.

InetSolution, Inc. Helps Compuware Ready for Record-Breaking $10 Million Online NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Contest

Posted by Justin Gattuso

Compuware Corporation (NASDAQ:CPWR) today announced that, a leading provider of interactive games, tested the performance of their web site with Compuware's Digital Test Solution. In preparation for their "It's Madness!" contest, running through the duration of the NCAA men's basketball tournament, tested for site performance and user experience, successfully testing for user loads of over one million participants during the three week contest.

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